That's the truth
Dag los tiag
Is this real
Tsa kuv kom kuv sawv kiag
Please wake me up
Tsis txhob lim hiam
Don't be cruel
Cog lus tias yuav hlub kuv tiag tiag
Promise me you'll love me truly
Hlub kuv tiag tiag
Love me truly
Kuv tsa tau tes rau lub ntuj
I can swear to the heavens
Tias wb txoj kev hlub
That the love we share
Yeej tsis muaj hnub yuav qub li
Will never have a day it grows old
Yuav hlub kom txog hnub wb laus nkoos
Will love until old age
Zoo li thaum i thaum wb nyuam qhuav sib ntsib
Just like before when we first met
Tsis muaj hnub uas kuv yuav dhuav koj li
There will never come a day that I grow tired of you
Puas tseem nco tau thaum wb nyiag kev mus ua si
Remember when we'd sneak out to be together
Kuv tseem xav nrog koj nyob
I still want to be with you
Tas li tas li tas li
Always, always, always
Yog los mas
That's the truth
Kuv yeej muaj siab hlub koj tiag
I want to love you truly
Txhob nyuaj siab
Don't worry
Txhua yam koj yeej qhia tau, piav
You can tell me anything, go on
Kuv mam mloog koj hais zoo zoo
I'll listen to you sincerely
Wb txoj kev hlub loj tshaj tej hav tej roob
Our Love is greater than the valleys and mountains
Hais tiag mas
Koj yeej yog tus kuv nrhiav nrhiav
You're the one I've been searching for
Kuv tsuas xiam
It would be my loss
Yog tsis muaj koj los qhia
If I didn't have you guiding me
Kuv hloov ua ib tug neeg zoo
To be a better person
Thov kom kev hlub kav txog ib txhiab xyoo
Please let our love last a thousand years
Txawm koj yuav pluag
Even if you're in poverty
Txom nyem
Or unfortunate
Los kuv mam ua siab ntev
I will be patient
Txawm tsis muaj tsheb los wb mam peg taw ua ke
Even if there's no car, we can walk together
Yog tias koj sab txo koj lub nra
If you're tired, take off the weight from your shoulders
Kuv mam ev
I'll carry it
Xav txog koj txhua feeb txhua nasthis
Thinking of you every minute
Thaum koj ploj lawm zoo li pawv kuv tus yawmsij
When you are gone it's as if I've lost my key
Yeej muaj tiag
It's the truth
Xav nrog koj tas li tas li tas li
Want to be with you always, always, always
*Repeat Chorus
Yog tias muaj ib hnub
If there comes a day
Koj ho mus nrhiav tau ib tug
You go and find someone new
Nws yeej tsis hlub koj npaum kuv (x2)
He won't love as much as I do (x2)
*Repeat Chorus
Check out the following video for covers of this song, along with Hmong and English lyrics!