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Hlub Tsis Yooj Yim by Unique 3 (Hmong/English lyrics)

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

Love isn't easy

Verse 1: Lub ntuj tsaus nti muaj ntau hnub qub ci

The dark sky has many shining stars Los kuv tsuav muaj koj ib leeg xwb

You are all I have Koj muaj nuj nqi tshaj plaws

You are the most precious Kuv paub koj zoo tshaj

I know you are the best (thing) Kuv zoo siab heev thaum kuv los nyob ze koj

I'm very happy when I come close to you

Verse 2: Txhua hnub txhua hmo npau suav txog koj xwb

Every day and night, all I dream about is you Zoo siab muaj koj nrog kuv nyob ua ke

Happy to have you here with me Tsis xav mus nrhiav lwm tus

Don't want to find anyone else Zoo siab nrog koj mus

Happy to be with you Yuav nrog koj mus txog hnub kawg

Will be with you until the end

Chorus: Yuav ntsib tus neeg zoo li koj yeej tsis yooj yim

Fated to meet someone like you isn't easy Thaum sib ntsib kuv nkag siab koj yeej yog neeg zoo

From the beginning I knew you were a good person Zoo tshaj lub hnub lub hli nyob puag saum lub ntuj

Better than the sun or moon up high in the sky Koj ntxim kuv lub siab kuv thiaj tau los hlub koj

You filled up my heart and I had to love you

*Repeat Verses + Chorus


La la la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la la

Zoo tshaj lub hnub lub hli nyob puag saum lub ntuj

Better than the sun or moon up high in the sky Koj ntxim kuv lub siab kuv thiaj tau los hlub koj

You filled up my heart and I had to love you

*Repeat Ending

Check out the following video for covers of this song, along with Hmong and English lyrics!



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