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Dab Ntub Hlub by Cheng Xiong Ft. Douachi Yang (Hmong/English lyrics)

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

Sleeping love

Verse 1:

Kuv yog neeg raug tso mob

Kuv lub me siab tsis muaj leej twg pom

Vim kuv poj niam mus tham tus tshia ua rau

Kuv nyuaj siab lub neej ntxho

Kuv lub me kua muag nws thiab tau poob

Saw yuav txog hnub twg kuv lub siab no thiab yuav hloov

Mam li mus pib dua tshia

Mus saum yus lub neej dua kom nws muaj zoo

Ces muaj ib hmo kuv npau suav

Mus pe ha dej mus taug kev ua si

Kuv thiab li pom ib twg hluas nkauj zoo nkauj heev

Thiab hais lus luag ntxhi

Nws hais rau kuv txhob quaj

Luag tsis hlub los nws mam hlub

Ib me pliag kuv sawv los kuv thiab

Xav ua li cas npau suav txawv ua luaj

Txij thaum ntawm kuv nia hmo npau suav pom

Tus hluas nkauj ntawm txhua hmo

Ces muaj ib hmo kuv npau suav nrog

Tus hluas nkauj ncig chaws ntawm lawm zov

Ces nws cia li muaj ib twg txiv neej cais neeb tuaj

Tus txiv neej cia li los ze ze ntawm kuv tuav nkaum kiag kuv txais me tes

Nws hais kuv tus me tub nrog kuv mus teb

Chaws no tsis yog koj vaj koj tsev

Thaum ntawm kiag tus hluas nkauj

Thiab li los tuav kuv txais tes

Nws paub hais tias yog kuv mus

Nws yuav tsis pom kuv ntxim

Nws thiab quaj nti

Hais rau kuv hais tias


Txoj kev hlub tiam no

Npam ua nkauj zaj

Puas muaj hnub ntiab

Teb cia ua ib khu

Kuv thov lub ntuj

Thov lub teb zam kev rau wb

Kom nws cia wb sib

Hlub hauv dab ntub

Verse 2:

Sij hawm ntawm kuv thiab li nug tus txiv neej

Tias nws yog leej twg

Nws thiab li tes hais tias nws yog txiv neeb

Nws yuav cov kuv rov mus

Cov kuv mus vaj mus tsev

Vim kuv niam thiab txiv txawm xeev

Kuv thiab li tes nws hais tias kuv thov txim

Ntshe kuv yuav tsis nrog nws mus mog

Thov koj rov qab mus yaj ceej mus qhia kuv niam kuv txiv kuv hlub lawm mog

Vim thaum ua neej nyob saum yaj ceeb

Tus yus hlub tsis hlub yus tiag tiag

Nws thiab li muaj yu ntxias

Dag sib tag nrho yu cov nyiaj

Yu lub neej thiab tsaus nti tsis muaj twg paub

Tsis muaj leej twg yuav los ntshia

Tag si no kuv twb nriab tau tus neeg ua kuv zoo siab

Tus kuv hlub koj yuav hais npau cas los

Kuv yuav tsis kam tig rov qab es nrog koj mus

Tus txiv neeb thiab hais tias

Neej nyob neej zaj nyob zaj

Yuav tsis muaj ib hnub twg dab zaj

Nws yuav yog neeg ntiab teb lawm tus tav

Thaum ntawm tus txiv neeb thiab li cem tus nkauj zaj tias

Yog tsis tso kuv nws txhob tu siab rau tus txiv neeb

Kuv tus hluas nkauj zaj quaj nti tsis kam tso kuv sab tes

Thaum ntawm tus txiv neeb thiab txeem nws cov khaws coob kiag txheev leej vam caw va leej va caw


Verse 3:

Thaum kuv nco qab ces kuv cia li sawv los

Hauv kuv lub me hoob txa

Kuv thiab li pom kuv niam kuv txiv

Kuv nug lawm tias yog ua li cas

Ua li cas kuv thiab nyob no

Kuv nco qab ma kuv tsis nyob no

Thiab vim li cas nkawm hos ob leeg nyob nraim ntawm kuv ib sab no

Nkawm thiab li qhia kuv tias kuv tsaug zog ib hnub no

Nkawm ob leeg tsa kuv tsis txawm xeev los li

Nkawm thiab li txhawj txog kuv thiab li

Mus nriab Txiv neeb tuaj saib kuv

Vim ob peb hnub dhau los kuv cov txawv txawv li

Kuv thiab li nug kuv niam txiv neeb

Nyob twg tus txiv neeb thiab nkag los hauv txav

Txiv neeb koj siab phem

Koj tuam kuv tus me hluas nkauj po tseg

Ntshe zaum no kuv yuav yob kuv ib leeg tsis muaj nws los nyob ze

Tus Txiv neeb thiab hais tias, thov txim os tub

Vim lub ntuj yeej tso kuv los pab neeg

Kuv cia li nyob ib twg chim chim tu tu siab ua tsis tau dab tsi

Ntshe tiam no nqa tau nraim ntawm ntuag los yog

Vim dab tsi ntshe yus muaj kev txhaum tiam tag los yus theem lub txim

Ntshe you lam Nyob Lwj siab Tiam no saib fab lwm tiam dab ntub hlub wb puas yuav muaj ntxi


English translation:

Verse 1:

I am a grieving man

No one sees my heart

Because my wife cheated on me

My life is in despair

I shed tears

When will I ever heal?

When will I ever find love again?

I will start over and find happiness

One night I had a dream

I was walking by the river

I saw a beautiful woman


She said to me, “Don’t cry,

If she doesn’t love you, I will love you”

Then I woke up and

Wondered, such a strange dream

Since then I’ve been dreaming

About that woman every night

Then one night I dreamed I was with

The woman spending time together by her village

Suddenly, a man riding a horse appeared

The man walked closer to me and grabbed my arm

He said to me, “Son, let’s go home

This is not your world”

Then the woman

Grabbed my arm

She knows that if I leave

She will never see me again

She yearned out loud saying…


Our love in this lifetime I was cursed to be a dragon

Will there ever be a day the world will let us be a couple?

I’m begging the gods

To make a path for us

So he will allow us To love in the dream world

Verse 2:

I asked the man

"Who are you”

He said he is a shaman

Here to take me back home

I should go home

because my parents are worried

I said I’m sorry

I can’t go back home with you

Please when you go back

Tell my parents I love them

Because when I was in the world

The person I loved did not love me

She manipulated me

Spent all my money

My life was dark, no one knew

No one cared

I finally found my happiness, my love

No matter how much you try to persuade me

I will not leave with you

The Shaman then said,

“Human lives with human. Dragon lives with dragon.

There will never be a chance a dragon spirit

Will ever be a human soulmate”

Then the Shaman warned the dragon spirit girl

“If you do not release him, do not be disappointed”

My dragon girl cried out loud, and did not let go of me

Then the Shaman casted upon his powers. (Shaman Chantings)


Verse 3:

I finally became conscious and woke up

In my bedroom

I saw my parents

I asked them Why

Why am I here?

I remembered I was not here

And why were they both sitting by my side?

They both explained that I’ve been sleeping all day

I have not been waking up

They were worried, therefore

They requested a Shaman to investigate

Why I was so strange these past few days

I then asked my parents

“Where is the Shaman?” The Shaman entered my room…

“Shaman, you are so cruel

You murdered my girlfriend

Now I am going to be alone without her here"

The Shaman replied, “I’m sorry, son

The world sent me to help humans.”

I was angried, depressed, emotional, and felt hopeless

In this life, must it have been my fate or must it have been something else

I must have done something bad in my past life to receive karma

I guess I’ll just live and wait to see if our dream fate is meant to be





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