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Miracle Morning SAVERS Routine

Updated: Nov 23, 2022

This Miracle Morning Routine is based off of the SAVERS acronym by Hal Elrod (Author of The Miracle Morning).

Here’s a breakdown of what the acronym is and how I'm applying them:

Silence (10 minutes)

S - Take this time to sit upright and quiet/clear your mind. This creates your mindset for the rest of your day. If you start to judge yourself, bring yourself back to a clear mind. This could also be meditation, prayer, deep breathing, a gratitude practice, etc.

Affirm & Visualize (5 minutes)

A – Mentally or verbally recite affirmations. This isn’t lying to yourself to “attract” the things you want, it’s affirming what you’re committing to. What do you want to commit to? Why are you committed to it? What will you do to succeed in it? When will you do those activities?

V – Take the affirmations a step further and visualize doing those activities positively with as much detail as possible. Don’t just visualize the end results. This prepares you mentally and emotionally to get to where you want to be. This could also be a vision board, written descriptions, etc.

Exercise (5 minutes)

E – Move the body even for 1 minute to energize/stimulate the body. Move it however feels good/right for you that day. Some examples could be yoga, stretches, running, HIIT workouts, walking, etc.

Read & Scribe (30 Minutes)

R – Even just 5 pages a day could get you to read 10+ books a year. Intentionally fill your mind. This could be a fun novel, self-improvement books, business books, scripture, etc.

S – Write 3 things you’re grateful for (and why), and set 3 goals of the most important things you want to do with the biggest impact to move you forward towards your most important goals that day. You can also journal just to clear your mind/heart.

Clean (10 minutes) I added one more thing at the end since it is the morning to “clean your face” (get ready for the day) and to clean your space (a clean space = a clean mind).

Remember to appreciate wherever you’re at in your current journey, and to find joy in sharing your experiences with others! Life is just one huge shared experience with others.

Here's the 1 hour follow along video, I hope you enjoy it!

1 Month Challenge

I'm challenging myself to do this every morning for the next 30 days to see what impacts it might have :)

Monday, October 17, 2022

I planned to do this, but it was cold this morning and so when I got back home, I went straight back under the covers. We just got our weighted blanket back out, so it was hard to get up after that. I woke up at 8am and rolled out of bed and went straight to work. Not how I was planning for Day 1 to go. But you know, it's never too late. I had a morning meeting, which was pretty nice and I got to talk about anime with my coworker. Then decided to do the routine at 11:30 am.

  • Silence was pretty hard to do. Do I close my eyes? Do I message my head? My mind drifted quite a bit, but I tried to keep it set.

  • I'm still trying to get down visualization too. How long do I take for each one? I ended up watching the video a little bit because the anime for that section is so pretty/dreamy and it kind of feels like visualizing it.

  • Exercise today, I decided to just stretch a little. My body is pretty tight from helping with cleaning up a cut down tree yesterday.

  • I scribed catching up on some of my Hmong and trying to figure out what I want to get done today, and then started writing this too :)

  • Today, I'll read The Year of Living Biblically for the last 10 minutes I have left of this part of the routine. It's a book I've been trying to read for literally years now lol.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

This morning I have a heavy heart. It was quite hard to do the morning routine. But I think doing it helped, to bring my thoughts and emotions out at the beginning of the day. I journaled to clear my heart today. I think it helped. I'll read The Year of Living Biblically for the last 10 minutes I have left of this part of the routine again. Yesterday I had to go back to it because I got distracted with work stuff.

Note: Don't sit at my work desk when I do this lol

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

My heart is better today :) I was able to get up this morning, and started the SAVERS routine at 5 am! I feel good, I feel refreshed.

  • I began it with some undereye Vitamin C/Collagen patches. It was easier today to sit in silence, though I did almost get sucked into scrolling on Facebook.

  • I'm still trying to get a good grasp of visualization. Maybe it would help to visualize each affirmation line by line?

  • I journaled a bit to clear my heart/mind. And now I'm writing this during my scribe time. I'll read The Year of Living Biblically again. I feel like it's always not enough time, but maybe since I'm awake early today I'll be able to read more :)

I have a good feeling that today will be very productive and refreshing! After this routine, I'll try to get some of my other tasks done since I have an hour or so before my day job.

Update: I ended up taking a nap at 6:30am until I worked at 7:30am lol maybe 5am just isn't for me. Maybe I'll try waking up at 6am tomorrow?

Thursday, October 20, 2022

I woke up this morning feeling a bit sick, my throat was kind of sore and my head kind of pounded. I debated about staying up at 5:30am, but I decided to try to help my body and slept in until 8:30 today which means I'll have to work until 4:30 pm. I found myself craving silence today. So I started the routine around 11 am. I think I'm getting a hang of it.

  • Silence, I remind myself that I'm always with my mind so I have to make it a good place to be. I do a body scan, how does my body feel today.

  • Affirmations and Visualizations, it helped me to think/say aloud how I would feel doing the things and the end results of what I'm committing to.

  • For exercise today, I finally moved from just stretching to doing 30 crunches and 30 glute bridges. The past few days I've been lazily stretching. Today, 5 mintues actually felt like a long time.

  • I finished up my daily journal from yesterday, and now I'm writing this and will move on to reading. I'm quite enjoying this routine so far and I think I'm getting better at being productive throughout it (:

Friday, October 21, 2022

I was quite tired this morning. I got up at 8 am and laid on the bean bag, but didn't wakeup until 9am, which means I'll have to work until 5pm today. I started the routine around 11:30. Maybe this works better for me? Or maybe next week my goal should be to try to do this first thing in the morning around 6:30 am right before my expected work time?

  • I think I'm getting use to Silence, Affirmations, and Visualizations now.

  • For exercise, I stretched a bit and then did 10 situps, then 10 donkey kicks, fire hydrants, and 25 glute bridges with my pink band.

  • I'm now writing this, but will do my daily journal and then read.

I've also noticed the past couple days that my night time has been more productive too, instead of just mindlessly scrolling I've been more mindful in looking at Hmong videos or reading Bird Box for fun. I got sucked into buying some hair tools this morning from a sale L'ange has going on. It was a pretty good deal in my opinion and things that I've been wanting to buy or would have bought eventually anyways - or is this just me making excuses for buying stuff?

Saturday, October 22, 2022

I thought I'd try to multi-task listening to a virtual live Home buying course and doing the morning routine. Definitely not my greatest idea, it's very hard to concentrate on both. I probably should have just did the routine after the class, but there's a lot I want to get done today.

I just stretched a bit today for the exercise portion, my body feels quite tight this morning. I did my daily journal and I'm now doing this. I'll plan to read after this Home buying course.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

I didn't wake up as early as I thought I would (6:30am), but I woke up at 7:20 which is still enough time before church.

  • During silence I've noticed I've been judging myself a lot recently - is what I said when we were out appropriate, did I make them feel ok when they were over, am I going to be able to control the classroom today? So many thoughts, but silence helped me try to keep grounded and to remind myself to not let myself judge me for it. No one else is even judging it (that I know about).

  • For exercise I mostly stretched because I still feel tight, and then I got in 10 baby pushups.

  • I started a notion for my Gratitude log because my hand hurts from writing too much- I decided to just write what needs to get down creatively, but my thoughts come out better/faster when I type it. I wrote my Hmong sentence - which now that I think about it, maybe this would also be better to write online?

After this though, I'll read my book, clean my face and get ready. Maybe I'll even grab some Dunkin' Donuts :)

----------Ending Week 1!----------

Monday, October 24, 2022

I woke up early today at 5am and made my bed, but scrolled through facebook, instagram, snapchat, and ended up on TikTok for about 1 hour and a half. Can you believe that? It's so easy to get caught up in those. I started the routine around 6:30, and it feels good.

  • During silence, I caught myself judging myself still. For new things since yesterday. Is this a never ending cycle? Or will there come a point where this constant self-judging stops?

  • Affirmations and visualizations are going well. I find myself feeling kind of guilty though for the things I haven't done even though I've affirmed/committed to them for the past week now. Maybe It'll motivate me to do more this week? But also, I feel like it's ok to take the time I need for everything.

  • Exercise I did some stretches and ball-rolled my back. My back has been pretty tense recently.

  • Started my scribe time with this, but I'll go into notion for my gratitudes and then plan for my day. Read for the last 10 minutes and then get ready for my work day.

It feels good to get a little head start at the beginning of the week instead of rolling out of bed and straight to work :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

I woke up late today at 7:28. I'm realizing how much my mood affects my productiveness and how much it just affects me in general. My internet wasn't working this morning, so I'm writing this after work (and also on my iPad, which is kind of difficult). But I did the routine today halfheartedly, just feeling rushed since I woke up late and my internet Wasn't working in the morning so I had to physically go into work.

The outline was still a really good way to get my day started and allow me to feel at least a little bit productive and slowed down. I just did small stretches and caught up on my physical journal this morning. Hoping for a little more productivity for the rest of the day after we see Black Adam 😊

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

I wasn't as productive as I thought I'd be yesterday. There's definitely something when my mood is low, where my mind isn't a great place to be. I wake up late, I don't want to do anything. How do I get to this place less frequently? I woke up late again today around 7:36. I dyed my hair (for my costume this year!) and then did the first half of the routine.

  • During silence, I found it helpful if I'm doing some type of self care during this time (is that the correct way of doing it? I'm not sure lol), I exfoliated my legs while I tried to keep my mind silent. And it was actually very hard. Maybe closing your eyes is really a necessary part in this.

  • I got distracted during A + V time, remembering that I wanted to take out the butterbraid bread, so that cut that time a bit short, but I still got through it.

  • I took a break to shower and wash out the dye, then continues with some stretching for exercise (time seemed to go by fast for it today).

  • I'm really enjoying using notion for my gratitudes and task organization! I realized I forgot to write gratitudes yesterday. Is that why I was feeling so down? Or did I not write it because I was feeling down? I guess not the latter, since it's mostly because I didn't have internet yesterday morning lol.

I'm glad to have this practice, and to have the privilege to be able to do it every morning since I work from home. I hope it can help me keep my mind steady to be a better place to be most of the time because right now my mind isn't doing me so well.

Thursday, October 27, 2022

I've thought things over, and I feel a lot better today! Is it my "Pisces toxicity"? lol Toxic to myself, and it just melts over. I'm not sure, but I'm glad I'm out of the rut. I woke up at 6am today, but my brain just feels lazy in the morning now and I scrolled through my phone until it was time for work. Why do I do that lol I get caught up with watching other people's human experiences. This world we live in now is crazy. I've been trying to get myself out of the online world and back into the real world. I don't know if it's just because of covid, or the after effects of the times, but I feel like the internet really took over and it took me a while to realize how much it consumes me. Even this, I'm writing on the internet. Am I feeding into this habit that I'm trying to get rid of? Anyways, I eventually started the SAVERS routine. Maybe tomorrow I'll begin it right in the morning - I need to start building this habit again.

  • Silence - I've noticed after social interactions, I kind of get this high. And it makes it hard to fall asleep because I'm replaying conversations in my head, mostly positive. I don't know why I do this. But I did this last night after a happy hour that was fun and went pretty well. And the high of replaying things in my head leaked over to this morning and during my silence time, it was hard to silent my mind.

  • I feel like I still don't quite have visualization down. Yesterday I sorta started drawing it. Maybe that would help-To draw/paint/create something while visualizing.

  • I did some light stretches again for exercise. It's been a while since I've actually had a good exercise session. These past couple weeks seem to have been pretty busy though, or maybe I'm just not making time for it.

  • I have a lot on my brain today. I think maybe after writing this I'll journal, and then get some reading in :)

Friday, October 28, 2022

Started the routine late again, it just hasn't been my week. Started around 8:45am.

  • Silence is still kind of hard for me. My brain just doesn't stop talking.

  • Affirmations and Visualizations - I said my affirmations aloud and then remembered about the drawing idea, and sketched a little bit. I think maybe I'll try out drawing as I say my affirmations?

  • I rolled my shoulders today for exercise and stretched a bit. I'm wondering if there's something better I can do with these 5 minutes for exercise? Maybe I'll try going on a quick sprint outside. Or doing jump rope outside.

  • I updated my Notion board with the To-Do's and my daily journal with the updates, I'm just realizing now that I forgot the gratitudes so I'll do that after writing this, and then read.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Spent an hour this morning just scrolling on Social media and watching random videos. I really need to stop spending my first hour or so like that. I'm realizing that I've been spending more time doing "productive" things though than I use to. I'm not sure if this is because of starting the routine, or just because summer is done and there's more time to do stuff? I think though that I'd be able to get even more done if I stopped scrolling. Should I delete all my socials from my phone? I've been thinking about that for a while. Or maybe I should just keep that first hour as social media hour, and then not look at it for the rest of the day? We'll see..

  • Silence has still been hard. I really need to force myself to sit up straight and close my eyes, and repeatedly remind myself to not let my mind get too far.

  • I tried sketching my first affirmation today. It took the whole time and I feel like I barely got far. But I think it was good? I'll continue with the second one tomorrow, and then keep on adding to them as time goes.

  • I stretched then got 30 or so glute bridges in and 50 crunches.

  • Had a few more gratitudes that usual this morning. Wrote this, and will continue reading the same book that i've been reading in the mornings :)

----------Ending Week 2!----------

Monday, October 31, 2022

Yesterday was the first day I missed the routine. And I almost let that slide into today, but I'm finally doing it at 5 PM. No longer just a morning routine lol. I will try to get into the habit again of waking up a bit earlier, I'm not sure how well this will go though since I'm about to start my period soon. Yesterday I had too much to prepare in the morning and not enough time. Then it got busy later on. Well actually, I probably could've done the routine in the afternoon instead of watching 3 hour long episodes on Netflix. Yesterday, I did fit in an affirmation visualization time/drawing though.

  • Silence today, I kind of looked through newspaper. Does that count? I would say it was silent in my head? I don't know, Maybe I'm doing this totally wrong, but I still feel better/more productive now.

  • I drew my third affirmation today. I think my hopes are getting pretty high that it'll help in visualizing.

  • Exercise, I did a little bit of stretching and rolled my shoulders. My right arm is sore today from throwing ball with a golden lab. He was soo cute!

  • I wrote my gratitudes and have been keeping up with my notion throughout the day. Writing this, then I'll read a bit, then clean a bit. Then get to reflecting and maybe getting into the Hmong lyrics! Feeling more productive now!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

I tried to wake up earlier today. I went back to bed around 5am, left the lights on to even make it a little easier for me to wake up later. I woke up to my alarm at 6:20 am told myself I'd get up and do some silence time, but i rolled over and fell back asleep. Next thing I know, I woke up to my 7:28 alarm. napped a little more and finally got out of bed at 7:50 am when my husband called me. What is it with me sleeping in these days? I didn't go on social media, but then remembered the reel I was making and got a little sucked into making it. But eventually I decided to get up, make some noodles and coffee and start the routine.

  • Silence, I sat with my eyes closed. Thought about how my body feels today, and my mind. I think I feel pretty okay today.

  • I drew my fourth affirmation, but may have to continue it tomorrow?

  • I got in a brisk walk this morning since it's a little warmer out today (and also tomorrow!)

  • I wrote my gratitudes, looked through my tasks. I feel like it's all a lot more productive/quicker since there's a routine to it now and things are already set up for this. Next routine to make is probably an exercise one.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

We went to bed last night around 9:45 pm, and this morning I felt well rested and ready to start the day! So I wrote down my dream, went on socials for a little bit, and then started the routine around 5:23 am :) I'm feeling really good about today! It's supposed to be very warm too - which I guess I feel indifferent about because global warming :/

  • Silence, I sat up straight at the kitchen table. Same routine with my eyes closed (most of the time) and doing a body scan.

  • I continued my fourth affirmation. I think maybe once I complete the fifth one I'll go back and color them in?

  • I feel like 5 minutes is just enough for a stretch. And I think for the routine and since it's in the morning, that it's good to just do a stretch during this time. But I should start actually exercising more outside of this short routine, and build a separate workout routine.

  • Again I wrote my gratitudes and looks through tasks on Notion, and now here I am writing this. I'm glad that I'm slowly getting this down :) I'll update my daily journal and then read a bit :)

Thursday, November 3, 2022

We went to bed around 10:30 last night. This morning I felt tired, but I was able to stay up. Mainly I went on social media and then posted a story for my friend's birthday, and eventually got to starting the routing around 6:25. I'm feeling good again today thought :)

  • I decided that the kitchen table is a good place to "work". I've put my laptop and iPad here. It'll be my second desk - my desk away from my work desk (literally they're right next to each other though). I did silence sitting here again, doing a body scan. My mind still gets distracted but I think it's getting better.

  • I drew out my fifth affirmation. And tomorrow I'll start going back in to add more or color it in!

  • I did a quick stretch, and then the same routine with my gratitudes and notion tasks. I'm getting good at this! (Finally, it's already week 3 lol)

Saturday, November 5, 2022

So we got some BIG news, I'm pregnant! I'm so excited and also nervous at the same time. Maybe thats why I've been so tired lately? I guess I should start letting myself rest more. I woke up at 7:30 am today though unable to sleep from the news. I didn't start the routine until around 10:30 though.

  • Silence, I was kind of distracted today.

  • I continued to add more to my first affirmation drawing.

  • I did some light stretches and took down some of our Halloween decorations lol does that count as exercise?

  • I wrote down my gratitudes, which is the only thing I got to yesterday. Looked over my tasks for the day, and now I'm writing this and will read afterwards :)

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Woke up at 6:30 today, but chilled in bed on social media until 8ish then I started the routine. Why do I start my days like that? It usually is the only time I binge social media though, the morning and the night in bed. Maybe that's just what works best for me? But I should shorten the time to 30 minutes. The routine went pretty much the same as yesterday so I'm not going to list it. I think this all really does help me re-focus my mind, especially when I'm super distracted about something (like being pregnant). It helps me to refocus and not just overthink through it my entire day.

----------Ending Week 3!----------

Monday, November 7, 2022

I woke up today at 7:30. So much for thinking that Daylight savings would help me wake up earlier lol. I think I want to start doing a small workout in the morning - probably mostly just walking (on a treadmill since it's getting cold out) or something to keep me active during my pregnancy. I started the routine during my lunch break today around noon. Same old and no huge new updates to it :) I think I'm going to start coloring in my visualizations tomorrow?

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Realized I forgot to do my gratitude yesterday. I feel like I've been getting distracted especially during scribe/read time, so I usually have to rewind another 10 minutes to add in the reading time. Not sure how to get this down, or if it's needed to get down to a tee? Maybe i just need to be loose with it? Or maybe I need to make it more into a system? It's got to be one or the other. Anyways, the routine has been mostly the same (: Colored a little bit, decided on oil pastels but idk if that was a good idea lol. Got a little caught up with this pregnancy "What to expect" app. It's like a tracker but also like a forum, makes me feel comforted knowing there are so many other women in the same boat as me right now!

Friday, November 11, 2022

Wednesday I totally skipped this, but I did do my gratitudes. Yesterday, I kind of did it throughout the day, but didn't do it in one large chunk in the morning. I think even remembering to do it throughout the day helped me become more productive yesterday. It motivated me to get a good nights rest and wake up early today! lol

  • I think face rolling during silence helped wake me up and also made me look more forward to doing silence. I think I'll start doing that every day.

  • I started coloring my second affirmation, I don't know how I feel about how the oil pastels are turning out on it lol the time goes by really quick when I'm coloring/drawing

  • I did some light stretches for exercise today.

  • Wrote my gratitudes, then checked my To-Dos and got a little carried away on Notion, but now I'm writing this. And then I'll quickly read. I've noticed this time almost never feels like enough when I'm "scribing". Maybe I'll switch it to reading the first 10 minutes, then scribing the rest.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

We were out until 1 am last night playing Magic the Gathering, but I still managed to wake up at 7:40 am today. Is it the baby that is energizing me after a time of draining?

  • I forgot about doing the face roller but opted to just sit in "silence" today.

  • I continued coloring my second affirmation and decided to just continue with oil pastels since that's what I started with.

  • I did some more light stretching today.

  • I read first this time and then did some daily journaling which put it to the 30 minute time for that, but I'm still just going to continue with my scribing until it feels ready and then I'll clean my face/space.

I'm trying to think about how I can make this routine sustainable in my life? Should I continue just following the video as guidance? Should I be able to just do it on my own? Is the video rushing me? But also, it helps me constrain my time to get more done within an hour. I'm still not sure how to keep this sustainable. I can't believe end of week 4 is almost coming already! It doesn't feel like that long yet, and I don't feel like I've made it into a habit yet. Maybe I'll just keep on doing it until it feels more normal to wake up early and practice it.

I think in ways it has made me more productive, or it helps keep me more productive towards the things I want to do. There were still times of influx though when it was higher than others, but maybe that's just normal and will never fully go away?

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Wow time has flown by. I've been feeling pretty nauseous and fatigue in the mornings though and sporadically throughout the day so I haven't been doing too much and just been letting my body rest. This morning though I was feeling alright, and did the video a little bit at around 5:15am. The only other time I've done the routine since in the morning was last Monday November 14 at 6:30 am, I just didn't write in here that day. Some of the other day I did parts of the routine (Gratitude/Scribe/Read).

  • I sat in silence today, lying on our bean bag

  • Started coloring the third affirmwation.

  • Did some light stretching.

  • Read some scripture today, felt tired after this and fell asleep but I knew I would write later on in the day and throughout it. I'm writing this at 3 PM

I'm still feeling off and on sick, and tomorrow is Thanksgiving so we'll see how this goes!



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